for a sandbox game its Great: you can see all diffrent objectsĮnough I guess, but its not in a high resolution. Play around like a litte kid in a or remove objects. Sandbox as the name says: very good almost none: you can only change theĪspects: sandbox game where you can settings on the objects, but you cant add Operability: controls are easy to learn and Takes long to learn controls and manyĮverything is very clear settings and options make it a bit The framerate goes down very close on planets Lag free: If you spawn to many objects framerate goes down when you very fast Stableness of Almost never crashes Freezes sometimes
State of Game: early access alpha crowdfounding (alpha/beta) So before I come to the comparison I just wanted to say that I love and played both games and I wished they would be combined to one game that would completely destroy my mind and social life.